Donations to Weightlifting.org, Inc.
We rely on donations to further the purposes of our organization. We are happy to receive donations of any kind. All donations to the Weightlifting.org, Inc. fully support the work of organization. No one at Weightlifting.org, Inc.takes a salary and phones, office space, some gym space and equipment are donated. One hundred percent (100%) of the money we receive goes toward furthering our objectives of developing athletes, educating the public, schools and recreation personnel about the benefits and methods of weightlifting, preserving the history of the Iron Game and battling against the use of drugs in sport.
An annual donation of $25 or more to the AOBS arm of our organization entitles you to receive the AOBS newsletter and to obtain discounted tickets for our Annual/Dinner Reunion. If you are not already a supporter of WLO or the AOBS, please become a supporter today. Donations can be remitted via check to “Weightlifting.org, Inc” or to “AOBS” at:
53 Albertson Avenue
Albetrson, NY 11507
Or you can just click on the Donate button below and make a donation securely online, using any major credit card or PayPal. We thank you in advance for your generosity and support.

We thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
Contact Us
Please don’t hesitate to contact us via e-mail at LiftTech@earthlink.net , by texting 516-633-3036 or via regular mail at:
Weightlifting.Org, Inc.
53 Albertson Ave.
Albertson, NY 11507