Teaching Weightlifting To All

We work to teach the sport of Weightlifting in two ways:
1- Through online outreach
2 -Through hands on training at our affiliate WeightliftingWorkshop.com

Online Outreach

Our primary online outreach to those who want to learn about weightlifting is through media of various kinds – our Website, the Weightlifting Encyclopedia, Blogs, Videos and Podcasts. Over time, through those media, we will publish the entire content of Artie Drechsler’s Weightlifting Encyclopedia (a 550 page and 400,000 word book), and the three hour Video Companion to the book. In addition, there will be much new material reflective of what has changed in the sport and what has been learned, since those materials were published, so entirely new approaches to training for Weightlifting will be presented, here, or on our cooperating sponsor’s website, WeightliftingWorkshop.

In Person Coaching

The WeightliftingWorkshop is a gym located in Albertson, NY 11507 which is affiliated with Weightlifting.Org. It specializes in teaching and coaching Olympic-style Weightlifting. Please click here to learn more about the program there.

Stay In Touch To Learn About Developments In Both Programs

We urge you to sign up for e-mails that will alert you to new additions to our library here. We promise we won’t inundate you with ads.

Two Tables of Contents (TOCs)

TOC 1 – The Weightlifting Encyclopedia has is comprehensive Table of Contents (TOC). As we release the content of The Weightlifting Encyclopedia we’ll follow the structure of that TOC, as outlined below:


Chapter 1 – The Technique of the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk
Chapter 2 -Teaching and Learning Weightlifting Technique
Chapter 3 – The Development of Strength, Power and Flexibility
Chapter 4 – Selecting Weightlifting Equipment and Using it Safely and Effectively
Chapter 5 – Assistance Exercises for the Snatch and Clean & Jerk (C&J)
Chapter 6 – Putting It All Together: Developing the Training Plan
Chapter 7 – Building the Mind of a Weightlifting Champion
Chapter 8 – Performing in Competition
Chapter 9 – Special Training Considerations for Women, Masters and Young Athletes
Chapter 10 – Nutrition and Weight Control
Chapter 11 – Preventing and Dealing With Injuries and the Use of Restorative Methods
Appendix 1 – The Rules of Weightlifting
Appendix 2 – A Short Course in Anatomy, Physiology, Mechanics and Biomechanics
Appendix 3 – Training on the Snatch and Clean and Jerk – A key to Athletic Excellence
Appendix 4 – Selecting an Athlete and Selecting a Coach

Annotated Bibliography
Organizations and Publications of Interest to the Weightlifter
About the Author
The Weightlifting Encyclopedia Video Companion

TOC 2 – Blogs and New Videos – Content on this website, outside that of the Weightlifting Encyclopedia and its Video Companion, (e.g. -blogs, newer videos) will be organized under the following topics:

Strength and Power
Mind Power
For Parents
For Powerlifters/CrossFitters/Other Athletes