Dear reader, please use the search box located above to search the book for terms.
- Abadjiev, Ivan,
- acceleration,
- acetylcholine (Ach),
- actin,
- action potential,
- adaptation,
- Adkins, Derrick,
- ADP (andenosine diphosphate),
- agonists,
- Ajan, Tamas,
- Alexseev, Vasili,
- “all or nothing” principle,
- alpha motor neuron,
- amateurism. See rules, organizations which govern weightlifting, a word about amateurism
- Amberry, Thomas,
- anabolic steroids, risks of taking,
- anatomy
- of bones, basic and developmental
- of joints,
- actions of specific major joints,
- basic,
- general kinds of joint actions,
- of muscles,
- basic,
- differentiated by their function in a given movement,
- directions of movement,
- major muscle groups
- illustrations of,
- muscles in,
- anatomy, physiology and mechanics, interrelationship in weightlifting “science”,
- Anderson, Paul,
- antagonist,
- anxiety, state and trait,
- Archimedes,
- arginine,
- arnica, tincture of, poultice,
- assistance exercises,
- closely related to the classic lifts,
- for strengthening phases 2–4 of the pull or jerk
- clean deadlifts,
- clean pulls,
- combining pulls with lifts,
- good mornings,
- halting style,
- jerk drives and front quarter squats,
- partial deadlifts and pulls,
- partial squatting,
- pulls and deadlifts standing on a block,
- snatch deadlifts,
- snatch pulls,
- for improving recovery from the low position,
- back squats,
- front squats,
- overhead squats,
- split and squat recoveries,
- definition,
- for general conditioning
- more general conditioning exercises,
- plyometrics,
- sprinting and jumping,
- for strengthening specific muscle groups,
- calf raises,
- curling,
- grip work,
- leg extensions and leg curls,
- leg presses,
- other “isolation” exercises,
- presses and dips,
- resistance exercises performed with machines,
- step ups,
- upright rows and shrugs,
- Hatfield or Safety Squat Bar squats,
- general principles of using, purposes of, related to the classic lifts
- variations of the classic lifts
- variations of the C&J related to clean,
- clean,
- clean from above the knee,
- clean from below the knee,
- clean standing on a block,
- dead hang clean or clean from standing position,
- drop clean,
- from hang or blocks,
- muscle clean,
- power clean,
- variations of the C&J related to jerk,
- drop jerk or jerk from a standing position,
- jerk behind neck,
- jerk form racks,
- power jerk,
- push press,
- variations related to the snatch,
- dead hang snatch or snatch from standing position,
- drop snatch or snatch balance,
- muscle snatch or snatch stretch,
- power snatch,
- snatch from above the knee,
- snatch from below the knee,
- snatch standing on a block,
- varying the grip or speed when lifting,
- wide choice of available,
- ATP (adenosine triphosphate),
- athletes, improving the performance of through weightlifting. See weightlifting, as a means for improving the performance of athletes
- axon,
- Barnholth, Larry,
- Baroga, Lazar,
- barometric pressure chambers,
- Bednarski, Robert,
- Bedrosian, Steve,
- Berger, Issac,
- bodyfat, minimizing,
- bodyweight,
- determining your ideal body weight,
- gaining muscular bodyweight,
- Boff, Vic,
- boiling,
- bones. See anatomy, bones and training effect
- boron,
- Bourgeois, Buster,
- Bowerman, Bill,
- branch chain amino acids (BCCAs),
- bromelain,
- Byrd–Goad, Robin,
- caffeine,
- Cameron, Mark,
- Capsouras, Frank,
- carnitine,
- center of gravity,
- Charinga, Andrew,
- chalk, See, equipment, personal,
- Chernyak, A,
- children, weightlifting and. See, prepubescent athletes
- chondroitin sulfate,
- circuit training,
- Ciroslan, Dragomir,
- Coan, Ed,
- cod liver oil,
- coefficient of restitution (COR),
- coenzyme Q10,
- Coffee, John,
- competition,
- coaching and evaluating after a,
- coaching and performing during a,
- jumps between attempts,
- number of warm–ups,
- timing of warm–ups,
- selecting weights,
- using tactics to win,
- warm up physically, but let the emotions warm up more slowly,
- when all else fails, the true champion prevails,
- coaching and preparing prior to a,
- dealing with “head games”,
- dietary considerations,
- drug testing, preparation for,
- getting to know the lifter (or the lifter thyself),
- making weight,
- packing the competition “bag”,
- traveling and adapting to the competitive environment,
- understanding the rules, 356. See also, rules
- Conde, Al,
- contractile element (CE),
- Crass, Derrick,
- crossbridges,
- Curry, James, Sr.,
- Curry, Nicholas,
- cycles,
- diminishing reps per set (see, also, periodization), diminishing total reps (see, also, periodization), natural but structured, natural or intuitive,
- reciprocal mini cycle,
- cysteine,
- Davis, John Henry,
- deadlift. See, assistance exercises
- dehydration,
- delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS),
- DeMarco, Louis,
- dendrites,
- dimethylglycine. See DMG
- directions of human movement. See anatomy of joints
- displacement,
- distance,
- diuretics,
- dive–style,
- D.L. Phenylalanine (DLPA),
- DMG (dimethylglycine),
- docosahexionic acid, See EPA
- double split routine,
- Dube, Joseph,
- Dvorkin, Leonid,
- Edison, Thomas,
- Ehret, Charles, F,
- eicosapentanoic acid, See EPA
- elbow positioning, proper. See technique guidelines for clean and jerk, and supplemental flexibility exercises
- Eleiko,
- eleutherococcus,
- eligibility for competition. See rules, eligibility
- emery cloth,
- enema,
- energy, kinds of,
- equipment,
- facility, for training,
- club, starting a,
- avoiding liability risks,
- safety, on the platform,
- guidelines for safety and conduct,
- the role of safety in preventing injury,
- avoiding litigation,
- when an accident or injury occurs,
- gym
- a block to stand on,
- bar,
- order of loading plates on,
- benches,
- collars,
- grip development devices,
- height gauge,
- jerk boxes,
- plates,
- platform,
- power rack,
- pulling blocks,
- spotters,
- human,
- mechanical,
- squat racks,
- personal
- bathroom tissue,
- belt,
- bras, sport,
- briefs and shorts,
- chalk,
- first aid kit,
- gloves,
- gym bag,
- hip pads,
- knee wraps,
- lubricants,
- magnesium carbonate (see chalk)
- shoes,
- soap,
- socks,
- straps,
- suit,
- sweatsuits and t–shirts,
- tape,
- wrist wraps,
- EPA,
- epimysium,
- expectorating,
- Faeth, Karl,
- fascia,
- fasciculi,
- fast twitch (FT). See muscle fibers, types
- fasting and short term reductions in food intake,
- Ferrigno, Louis,
- first aid. See injuries, keys to managing, first key
- fish oils,
- Flowers, Sibby,
- food supplements. See nutrition; injuries, treating
- force,
- force–velocity curve,
- forced reps,
- flexibility training. Seealso stretching methods
- common problem areas, muscles are the proper focus, permanent vs. short term changes in, special needs, specificity of, supplemental exercises, supplemental exercises illustrated, therapeutic use of,
- weightlifting specific, requirements of,
- low snatch position,
- for start of pull,
- low clean position,
- low jerk position,
- free radicals,
- friction, action of,
- fusiform muscles,
- gamma linoleic acid. See GLA
- ganglion,
- Garhammer, John,
- genetics, potential in weightlifting and,
- Gennaro, Joseph,
- George, Peter,
- Gilman, Mark,
- ginseng,
- Giordano, Robert,
- Gjurkow, D.,
- GLA (gamma linoleic acid),
- Glenney, Judy,
- glucosamine sulfate,
- glutathione. See L–glutathione
- glycine,
- golgi tendon organ,
- gradual conditioning, the importance of in weightlifting training,
- grape seed extract,
- Green, Benjamin, xxvi,
- Grigoryenko, V.,
- Grimek, John,
- grip, development devices,
- gripping the bar
- approaches to
- thumbless,
- hook
- regular,
- importance of a secure grip,
- methods of maximizing grip security,
- Grippaldi, Phillip,
- growth hormone
- Hamman, Shane,
- Haney, Lee,
- hang, lifting from. See assistance exercises, variations of the classic lifts,
- Hanson, Gary,
- Hatch, Gayle,
- Hatfield, Frederick,
- He, Yingqiang,
- Hepburn, Douglas,
- Hise, J.C.,
- Hoffman, Robert,
- Hise, Robert,
- hook grip, See gripping the bar,
- hopper deadlift,
- hormones, influence of on muscles and influence of muscle action on,
- Hughes, Jack,
- Huszka, Mike,
- Huxley, H.E.,
- impact,
- impulse,
- immobilization, effect of on muscle,
- inertia,
- International Olympic Lifter (IOL),
- inverted U hypothesis,
- Iron Man Magazine,
- Iron Mind Enterprises,
- injuries
- acute,
- acute vs. overuse,
- common sites of,
- ankle,
- arm,
- back,
- elbow,
- foot,
- groin pull,
- hand injuries,
- knee injuries,
- pubic bone,
- shin, abraded,
- shoulder,
- wrist,
- dealing with,
- avoid the knife whenever possible,
- chronic conditions,
- do not test the injury,
- importance of mirrors, video and monitoring when returning to activity,
- rehabilitative exercise,
- returning to training following an,
- training through and around an injury,
- errors in toughing it out,
- mechanical aids to training through injuries,
- training around an injury,
- aids to training through injuries,
- keys to managing
- first key, first aid,
- first aid for sprains and strains,
- first aid for fractures and dislocations,
- second key to injury management, proper diagnosis,
- soreness versus injury,
- third key to injury management proper treatment,
- kinds of,
- bursitis,
- cartilage,
- closed injuries,
- contusion,
- dislocations,
- fractures,
- myofascial pain,
- nerve injuries,
- open injuries,
- syncope,
- tendinitis and related conditions,
- overuse,
- preventing,
- by avoiding lapses in concentration,
- by having a check-up,
- safety is enhanced by proper coaching,
- two major causes of injury only athletes can control,
- treating,
- acupuncture and acupressure,
- cryotherapy (cold therapy),
- electrotherapy,
- food supplements and derivatives,
- low power lasers,
- massage,
- mental factors in treating injuries,
- spinal and joint manipulation,
- therapeutic uses of flexibility training,
- thermotherapy (therapeutic heat),
- with analgesics and anti-inflammatories,
- with topical applications,
- understanding,
- body’s fundamental reaction to injury,
- chronic inflammation,
- genetic and acquired predispositions to injury,
- psychological characteristics that can predispose an athlete to injury,
- psychological reactions to injury,
- Jacobson, Edmund,
- James, Lee,
- joint angles, relationship of movement to,
- joints. See anatomy of joints
- Jones, Arthur,
- K value,
- Karchut, Michael,
- Kelmansky, Naum,
- Khairullin, R,
- Kiiha, Osmo,
- Kirkley, George,
- Klein, Sigmund,
- Kono, Tommy,
- Krastev, Antonio,
- Kuzmin,
- L–glutathione,
- laxatives,
- learning how to lift. See technique, teaching and learning
- levers, basic principles of,
- Levy, Julian,
- line of gravity,
- linoleic acid,
- linseed oil poultice,
- Lobrano, Blair,
- Lombardi, Vince,
- long term development of weightlifters,
- Lukashev, A,
- ma huang,
- magnesium carbonate. See equipment, personal,
- Maltz, Maxwell,
- March, William,
- Marchenko,
- Maslaev, V.,
- mass,
- massage,
- mind,
- advantages of achieving a relaxed,
- controlling the activity of the conscious,
- anxiety, dealing with
- biofeedback,
- complex personality,
- concentration,
- direction of attention,
- emotions, generally,
- hypnosis and,
- self hypnosis and,
- optimal performance state,
- pain,
- positive affirmations,
- harnessing the powers of,
- importance of long term goals,
- importance of short term goals,
- mental toughness,
- overcoming fear,
- overcoming pain,
- reaching inner resources,
- role of the coach,
- role of the psychologist,
- value of a vision in building desire,
- those who can assist in,
- visualization and,
- theoretical issues related to,
- balancing ambition and purpose,
- locus of control,
- positive mental attitude and,
- relationship of philosophy to mental attitude,
- single mindedness of purpose,
- mechanics
- center of gravity, definitions used in, friction, 2 kinds of motion, levers, basic principles of, motion of projectiles,
- Newton’s laws of motion
- first law, law of inertia,
- second law, law of acceleration,
- third law, the law of reaction,
- implications for angular motion,
- other concepts of motion,
- scalars and vectors,
- mechanical efficiency,
- Medvedyev, Alexander,
- Mentzer, Mike,
- method of utmost efforts,
- Michels, Jeff,
- Mill, John Stuart,
- Mills, Joseph,
- Mintz, Lawrence,
- Miyake, Yoshinobu,
- momentum,
- monounsaturated fats,
- motion,
- angular, kinds of,
- See also, Newton’s laws of,
- movement, directions of human,
- multipoundage,
- muscle,
- arrangement of, chemical basis for action, effects of training on, effects of immobilization on, elastic component of, See contractile element, parallel element and serial element neural basis for action, optimal length for generating force, structure and action of,
- speed of contraction,
- muscle fibers,
- types,losses of with aging, differences between men and women,
- influence on weightlifting potential,
- muscle groups, major,
- muscle spindles,
- myofibrils,
- myosin,
- Nechepurenko,V.,
- Nemessanyi, Arpad,
- Newton’s laws of motion,
- Nideffer, Robert,
- nodes of Ranvier,
- Nootens, Charles,
- nutrition,
- essential nutrients and,
- carbohydrates,
- lipids,
- minerals,
- proteins,
- measuring the quality of proteins,
- the essential nutrients,
- vitamins,
- water and the importance of maintaining proper hydration,
- meeting requirements for,
- a partial list of milk exchanges,
- ADA dietary exchange lists,
- dietary assessment,
- energy supplied by proteins, fats and carbohydrates,
- four basic food groups,
- nutrient toxicity,
- nutritional density,
- protein needs of athletes,
- RDAs, U.S. RDAs and the vitamin and mineral requirements of athletes,
- performance, short term and,
- eating during the event,
- eating in the days before the event,
- eating to perform well in training and in competition,
- post-game meals,
- special topics in,
- anabolic steroids and their risks,
- eating disorders,
- anorexia and bulimia,
- ergogenic application of ordinary foods and nutrients and special ergogenic substances,
- fasting and short term reductions in food consumption,
- obesity,
- time factor in,
- oligomeric proanthocyanidins. See grape seed extract
- ornithine,
- ossification, of bones,
- Ohuchi, Masashi,
- overtraining,
- Basedowic, monotonous, Parasympathetic,
- Sympathetic,
- oxygen under pressure. See Restorative measures
- papain,
- Park, Reg,
- parallel elastic component (PEC),
- peaking methods,
- peaking by reducing volume and increasing intensity, 310peaking by gradually increasing intensity and volume,
- using pre–competition “control competitions”,
- Pearl, Bill,
- penniform muscles,
- periodization
- Soviet style,
- the macrocycle,
- the monthly cycle or mesocycle,
- the weekly plan or microcycle,
- Bulgarian periodization methods,
- other approaches to periodization,
- Perry, Herbert,
- physiology, muscle. Seealso muscle
- energy for muscular contractions, factors influencing force production in, muscle action as the basis for human movement, muscle fiber types (see muscle fiber types)neural basis for muscle action,
- optimal length for generating force,
- plans, training. See training plans
- Podlivayev, B.,
- positive affirmations. See, mind, controlling
- positive mental attitude (PMA). See mind, theoretical issues
- power,
- specialized training for the development of,
- powerlifters and other strength athletes, the special needs of those who convert to weightlifting,
- prepubescent and pubescent athletes, training of,
- exercise prescriptions for children,
- growth and maturation,
- projectiles, motion of,
- proprioceptive muscle receptors, See, golgi tendon organ and muscle spindles
- psychoneuromuscular,
- pubescent athletes. See prepubescent
- Puleo, Joseph,
- pycnogenol,
- pyramiding See strength training variables
- qualifying to lift in competitions. See rules, organizations which govern weightlifting
- qualitative analysis,
- Rader, Mabel,
- Rader, Peary,
- Ramsey, Charles,
- Rand, Ayn,
- Rawluk, Peter,
- reciprocal mini cycle,
- recruitment of muscle fibers,
- records, establish world and other kinds. See, rules, technical, world records
- rehabilitative exercise,
- Reno, Denis,
- repetition. Seealso selection of repetitions in teaching technique
- definition of, guidelines of number of reps over and under 90% of maximum, number of and guidelines for training children, optimal rest between, patterns used in popular training methods, ,performance of,
- specificity of,
- restorative measures,
- Riecke, Louis,
- Rigert, David,
- Ritzer, Theodore,
- Roman, Robert,
- Ruchames, Daniel,
- rules,
- eligibility
- a word about amateurism and eligibility,
- age group competitions,
- junior competitions,
- masters competitions,
- qualifying to lift in various competitions,
- equipment used by athletes in competitions,
- barbell,
- lifter’s costume,
- platform,
- other official equipment of the competition,
- attempt board,
- clock,
- electronic light system,
- forms,
- operations of the referee’s light system,
- record board,
- scale,
- scoreboard,
- special requirements for equipment at major international competitions,
- warm-up area,
- officials of the competition,
- competition secretary,
- doctors on duty,
- jury,
- opening, victory and closing ceremonies,
- referees,
- special USAW rules governing,
- technical controller,
- timekeeper,
- structure of the competition,
- doping control,
- gender testing,
- loading the bar in competition,
- order of calling the lifters for their attempts in the competition,
- presentation of the competitors,
- technical conference (also the drawing of the lots),
- weigh-in,
- organizations which govern weightlifting,
- International Olympic Committee (IOC),
- International Weightlifting Federation (IWF),
- national weightlifting federation of each country,
- organization of USA Weightlifting (USAW),
- Olympic Committee of each country,
- organizing committee of a particular competition,
- technical,
- general rules for both competitive lifts,
- incorrect movements
- for all lifts,
- particular to the clean and jerk,
- particular to the snatch,
- participants in the competition (or classes of competitors),
- team competition,
- scoring,
- weight classes,
- women’s competitions,
- gender testing,
- world records,
- kinds of records,
- procedures for creating world and other categories of records,
- Rusev, Yanko,
- Rysin, E,
- Sablo, Rudolph,
- sacromere,
- safety,
- sauna,
- Scanlon, Lynne Waller,
- scalars, See motion, kinds of
- Schake, Cal,
- Schemansky, Norbert,
- Schodl, Gottfried,
- Schreiner, Victor,
- Schreyer, Cindy,
- Schulz, Johannes,
- Schwarzenegger, Arnold,
- selection
- of athletes for their weightlifting “potential”, of coaches by athletes on objective and subjective bases, of weights for training (see strength, training for; technique, teaching and learning, practical considerations of)
- of reps for training (see strength, training for; technique, teaching and learning, practical considerations of)
- series elastic component (SEC),
- Shepatin, Giselle,
- Sheppard, David,
- shunt muscles,
- Simmons, Louis,
- sliding filament theory,
- slow twitch (ST) muscle fibers. See muscle fibers, types
- sodium bicarbonate,
- sodium phosphate,
- Sots, Victor,
- Spassov, Angel,
- spurt muscles,
- squat. See assistance exercises, for improving the recovery from the low position
- Starr, Bill,
- steam room,
- stimulants,
- Stone, Michael,
- strength,
- definition, importance of versus technique, power compared with , speed in relation to,
- training concepts. See also cycles
- frequency
- defining and measuring,
- training frequency,
- intensity
- influence of,
- maximums in training vs. competition,
- measuring intensity of the training stimulus,
- perceived vs. absolute,
- training vs. testing,
- specificity
- influence on principles of choosing exercises,
- vs. stimulus, from variety,
- different responses of different muscle groups,
- general nature of training stimulus,
- key training variables,
- overall challenge of,
- tolerance for error in the training effect can be small,
- closing remarks on,
- danger of faulty conclusions from limited evidence,
- using Mills method of difference to evaluate,
- training variables
- repetitions
- guidelines regarding,
- optimal rest between,
- performance of reps,
- sets
- are more sets better?,
- guidelines regarding sets,
- rest between,
- some common training patterns,
- circut training, multiple sets with similar reps per set, pyramiding, across an exercise session, super sets and pre-exhaustion,
- pyramiding, across a series of workouts,
- volume (See volume)
- examples of classic strength training methods,
- Anderson, Paul, training programs,
- Coan, Ed, squatting program,
- Davis, John, multiple sets of low reps,
- Hepburn, Doug, building on reps,
- two Soviet squatting programs,
- methods if exercising to develop,
- comparing methods,
- compensatory acceleration,
- concentric,
- eccentric,
- electrostimulation,
- isokinetic,
- isometric,
- plyometrics,
- variable resistance,
- very slow training,
- strength athletes who convert to weightlifters. See powerlifters and strength athletes
- Strength & Health Magazine,
- stretch–shortening cycle (SSC),
- stretching methods, Seealso flexibility, developing
- active isolated, ballistic, combining, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF),
- static,
- stretch shortening cycle (SSC),
- Suleymanoglu, Naim,
- summation,
- synergists,
- technique, understanding
- analysis of,
- an explanation of the “six phases”,
- barbell movement,
- trajectory in the jerk,
- trajectory in the snatch and clean,
- speed during the pull,
- jerk, analysis of six phases,
- phase five,
- phase four,
- phase one,
- phase six,
- phase three,
- phase two,
- snatch and clean, analysis of six phases,
- phase five,
- phase four,
- phase one,
- phase six,
- phase three,
- phase two,
- guidelines for efficient,
- all lifts,
- breathing, proper method while lifting,
- finding a focal point,
- head position,
- limited bar drop,
- locking body parts,
- lowering the bar after a successful lift,
- moving under the bar rapidly,
- moving with maxmum controlled speed,
- recovery from squat,
- clean
- elbow whip during,
- post recovery from the low postion but prior to the jerk,
- receivng the bar,
- recovery from the squat position,
- jerk,
- for receiving the bar,
- maximizing upward thrust for,
- preparing for after clean,
- proper elbow positioning for finish,
- recovery from split,
- stability in the dip for,
- snatch and clean,
- balance, in squat position,
- final explosion, importance of positioning,
- gripping the bar, importance of,
- gripping the bar, improving security of,
- split style of lowering the body,
- starting position, snatch and clean,
- snatch,
- receiving the bar,
- balance in, and recovery from, the low position,
- overview,
- the basics of technique,
- sequence photos of
- clean,
- snatch,
- theory.
- is there only one “best” technique?,
- a context for study,
- how important is technique vs. strength?,
- is weightlifting technique simple or complex?,
- trade offs in optimizing and their role in individualizing technique,
- clean,
- hand spacing,
- jerk,
- depth of split,
- dip, long vs. short,
- dip, slow vs. fast,
- drive, when to terminate,
- foot spacing,
- hand spacing,
- other variations in the jerk,
- power vs. split style,
- squat vs. split style,
- unlocking knees prior to,
- snatch,
- hand spacing,
- snatch and clean,
- bar position in relation to foot at start,
- degree of leg bend in phase three,
- differences related to the lifter’s individual body structure,
- fast versus a slow pull from the floor,
- first phase, different methods of executing,
- foot spacing,
- jumping backward or forward,
- starting with hips low vs. high,
- technique, learning and teaching,
- analyzing performance via,
- free body diagram,
- qualitative mechanical analysis,
- sense organs,
- video camera,
- approaches to teaching fundamentals,
- approaches evaluated vs. learning theory,
- Bulgarian model,
- individualized approach,
- IWF/Romanian model,
- many approaches work,
- Soviet model,
- USAW model,
- which model is best?,
- errors, eliminating, general approaches to,
- communication about errors,
- fine art of automating corrections,
- progressive elimination of faults,
- trying something different,
- errors, correcting specific,
- bending arms during pull,
- driving bar forward in jerk,
- overextension or pausing during,
- premature contraction,
- splitting backward in jerk,
- errors, automating corrections of,
- errors, general kinds of
- balance,
- effort,
- errors, kinds of,
- positioning,
- tension,
- timing,
- motor learning, concepts of,
- effectiveness of mass vs. distributed practice,
- feedback, types of and their value,
- lead up activities,
- learning segments vs. the entire skill,
- mechanisms of,
- mental practice,
- other aids to acquisition of motor skills,
- overlearning,
- practice, a key to learning,
- variability in, the effect on learning,
- principles of,
- response times,
- skill transfer,
- specificity of,
- stages of,
- warm-up decrement,
- motor control
- relationship between speed, force and accuracy,
- specificity of,
- stages of,
- lengths of various response phases,
- mechanisms of,
- practical considerations in,
- how to miss,
- first steps in teaching a new skill,
- remaining alert during a lift,
- selection of reps for,
- selection of weight for,
- starting position,
- using goals and pictures,
- what an athlete should be thinking,
- tendon,
- Terlazzo, Anthony,
- Terpak, John,
- testosterone,
- transcendental meditation (TM),
- TMG,
- Tonyan, N.,
- torque,
- training. Seealso, strength training
- effects of
- as influenced by the angles at which muscle force is applied,
- on bones and connective tissue,
- muscle tissue,
- programs,
- examples, of
- used by champions,
- Byrd–Goad, Robin, James, Lee,
- Krastev, Antonio,
- prepared for specific athletes
- used in Cuba,
- used by the Gayle Hatch club in Louisiana,
- used by the 1996 Greek Olympic team,
- used in the USOC training center at Colorado Springs,
- for peaking (see peaking)integrating long and short term planning of,
- plans, developing
- in the context of a triathlon,
- frequency of exercise performance,
- how to select exercises by balancing specificity with variety,
- planning for the workout day,
- theory of,
- cyclic nature of all planning,
- dominant philosophy of beginning with a long term plan and filling in the details,
- evolution of early planning,
- intuitive approach to,
- utilizing periodization (see periodization)
- workout plan,
- basic workout structure,
- cooling down,
- order and number of exercises,
- rest intervals between exercises,
- volume lifted in each exercise session,
- warming up,
- training log,
- transcendental meditation (TM),
- treppe,
- troponin,
- twitch,
- unloading,
- Vardanian, Yuri,
- vectors, See motion, kinds of
- Vega, Anthony,
- Verkhoshansky, Yuri,
- volume,
- Vorobiev, Arkady,
- weight, definition of,
- weight, making (reducing for competition). See competition, coaching prior to
- weight, ideal bodyweight. See bodyweight
- weight, gaining muscular bodyweight. See bodyweight
- weightlifting and children, See prepubescent athletes, training
- weightlifting and the mature athlete,
- losses in physiological functioning with aging,
- training and the mature athlete,
- weightlifting, as a means for improving athletic performance,
- case studies of athletes benefiting from Olympic lifting, only dedicated athletes will gain benefits from practicing the Olympic lifts, unique value of Olympic lifts for athletes, using of partial lifts, using of pulls,
- using the power clean, power snatch and power jerk,
- weightlifting, definition of,
- weightlifting, fallacies regarding,
- weightlifting, why lift?,
- Weightlifting Encyclopedia,
- approaches to reading,
- contacting the publisher of,
- Weightlifting USA,
- Weissbrot, Morris,
- Williams, James,
- world records, procedures for establishing. See, rules, technical
- women and weightlifting—a great match,
- amenorrhea, relationships between training and,
- differences between men and women,
- a few closing words on the differences between men and women,
- in strength ,
- other physiological differences,
- menarche, the effects of athletic activity on, pregnancy and training,
- psychological and social conditions that can influence women who are weightlifters,
- work, (see also volume)
- work hardening process,
- workout, planning a. See training, workout plan
- Xugang, Zhan,
- Yates, Dorian,
- York Barbell,
- Zacharevich, Yuri,
- Zatsiorsky, Vladimir,
- zone,